Conzoom license

With a conzoom® license you get access to conzoom® and a number of variables to enhance your customer analysis to understand your customers and your market

What is Conzoom license?

The conzoom® license includes the Danish conzoom® with its 9 conzoom® groups and 36 conzoom® types. Furthermore, you get access to 11 socio-economic deciles dividing the household on income, age, etc. - all for a good overview of your customers' and target groups' socio-economic and demographic characteristics. In addition to this you get the opportunity to work with conzoom® data in a number of different ways with your access to our online self-service platform Audience, ideal to market analysis and market segmentation

What to use a conzoom® license for

• Enrich your existing customer base with conzoom® and choose your existing customers wiser when running campaigns, because you know them – conzoom® provides you with 360 ° insights into your customers charateristics as consumers and citizens

• Enrich your customer base and enable yourself to communicate better and more relevant to your customers based on knowledge about their external demographic profile

• With a conzoom® license on all households you get insights into your market potential, where to make an extra effort, and which target segments to prioritise

• Have your customers enriched with conzoom®, find their twins in the market, and optimise your communicationen and media planning for the most valuable target segments for your business

Data in the conzoom® license

The data are delivered in a data dump on all unit addresses in a file format of your choice with the current data. For some projects it is valuable to be able to track changes over time. If you're interested in historical variables get in touch.

The conzoom®license grants you access to the following data:

11 deciles calculated on road-bite clusters

• Age decile
• Car decile
• Children decile
• Education decile
• Home ownership decile
• Household income decile
• Housing type decile
• Marital status decile
• Occupation decile
• Personal income decile
• Wealth decile

The Danish conzoom®

• 9 conzoom® groups
• 36 conzoom® types